Wednesday, April 26, 2006
home sweet home!!!!
Hi, as i am going home 2morrow morning i thought i would show you where my house is in england, and a bit about it. I have maked our land with the blue, we live on a cul-de-sac. behind us is the old peoples home!! behin that is the church (light blue) its bell are like 1200 years old (they have been recast) and the church is 1000-800 year old about(that to impress any americans and norwegens, beside us is also a grveyard, farm etc. the red is ny studio, it was garage but an iligal conversion has turd it into my studio, this is where i had art club. i WILL TAKE SOME PICS WHEN I AM THERE OF SOME SUFF ON THE WALL WHICH IS REAly cool.(sorry about the capitals i did not mean 2) i also have put oon the map the hole i dug when i was about 13, it was 10 ft deep and had a roof, it wernt so easy for little me to get in and out and there was always wter in the bottom, but it was gerate fun and i have since got the name CAVEMAN, so old habits die hard. the fire place was always well ferquented by me, one school holdady i had a fire EVERY morning for about a week!! i had to stop when mum got complants from the old peoples home about the smoke(i could not understad the problem). oh well i am not much better now i was always burning stuff in finnland back in november and december!! well i gotta go and pack!! but i gotta say ta 2 sarah fro the trip home, she is the biggest ledgend ever. she even makes be cake and stuff!!! and all the best to john, hang in there!!!!! oh i put a pic of where sharh lives on brunstad (norway), my favorite place in the world!!!( the pic was taken while our place was being built!! oh and thanks for a gerat time 2nite nordi crew. hi mettte and eva helen, hope du komme hejm i et stukke og hadde det ritig got, glede mig til og c dere egen!!!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Life in genral...
well i have been pottering about recently, the weekend i was tidying arround teh stable, yeterday i was out for a walk with coffie (the dog) and johannas and bodil were rideing, johannas fell off hehe, but it was a real good time, perfect wether. well i had a clasic berckfast with joe, we dorve into towm and it was gooood. Its so sad that he now works in the shop cos them i have no englishman to drink tea with, i will just have to learn the norskiys. i am going home (england home) on thursday (so bad iu miss eva helen and mette comeing back from there travells) but i will be hanngeing with sarah (the coolest and nicest big sister in the world) in england, hope my brothers doin' better. Oh and thanks to steph, heather, kjetil and all u others for the comments.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Dinner at egon
I must tell u all about y i feel so bad after eating al egon 2day, but first i will give you the low down and history of me and egon (our local eating place, kinda good food if u ask me), i was eating at egon with some freinds, one being hanna (nilson) who started playing with the salt, poring it onto the table and doing stuff with it, i, without thinking told her that i would never take her out to eat as it was so bad 2 do that when eating out (well i am english) so then comes the next time i whent ther, it was a bigger group, this time boding was makein' pictures in salt and pepper. mette was poring pepper over the candels, then rolf started (i think it was rolf), and by the end the table in the corner had cups full of ketch and riped up napkins liying arroud etc etc, i hope you get ther picture, anyway 10 mins b4 closeing we run, then bodil had 4gotten her key, so i went back to get it, there was one poor watress trying to kleen up. i felt BAD to say the least, i found the key on the floor. yesterday we went again, it was kinda the normal (salt pepper etc), and we when again 2day. Bodil oferd me 200 kr to eat a tea spoon of salt mixed with tazika sause (well i kant remembe what it was called), so i had it, YUKK!!!!!! then after pudding she way playing with the here leftover bannana and ice creem, putting salt, pepper, tabasco sause and soy sause in it and asked me to eat a spoon of it, after medatating 4 five minnets and smellling it (it smelt like bannan) i had a little spoon of it, it made me wrech, well it was a discusting consistency and full of salt, i tryed 2 wash away the tast but i just felt bad. even now an hour later my stomake feels realy bad. oh well i guess the noral of the story is not to eat salt fllied gunk after a good meal!!!! men bodil hadde et kempa tid nar henne set meg spesa det
Friday, April 21, 2006
fight ‘blue-sky thinking’
clouds are unjustly maligned and life would be immeasurably poorer without them.
they are Nature’s poetry, and the most egalitarian of her displays, since everyone can have a fantastic view of them.
I pledge to fight ‘blue-sky thinking’ wherever I find it. Life would be dull if I had to look up at cloudless monotony day after day.
I seek to remind people that clouds are expressions of the atmosphere’s moods, and can be read like those of a person’s countenance.
Clouds are so commonplace that their beauty is often overlooked. They are for dreamers and their contemplation benefits the soul. Indeed, all who consider the shapes they see in them will save on psychoanalysis bills.
'Look up, marvel at the ephemeral beauty, and live life with your head in the clouds!'
[The Stranger, Charles Baudelaire]
oh well thats not all my writing but y not put it in, it is kinda cool if u ask me, i tend to apreciate clouds and rain and stuff an all as i am english, spring in norway u jsut get the best clouds cos u have lots of blue sky with high dark clouds here and there raining down, it looks real dramatic!! It is SO much better than some boring blue sky.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Politcs with joe
2day i have been have discutions with joe about politcis, econermy, gun trade(we watched lord of war). I will just say a few small things about what i think. (not nessaserly joe)
Free market with a sackable workforce is the best way to cerate a competive market, as it will adjust to the needs.
The closeure of the peugeot plant in covernty is no disaster, it is just removing the last of the car productions in england which will soon be unprofitalble. then all that will be left will be the very efective factorys.
protectionisem is a bad thing ling term, altought sometime short term it can seem a good idea
sorry about it eing short but i wanna kip, c ya all arround!!
Free market with a sackable workforce is the best way to cerate a competive market, as it will adjust to the needs.
The closeure of the peugeot plant in covernty is no disaster, it is just removing the last of the car productions in england which will soon be unprofitalble. then all that will be left will be the very efective factorys.
protectionisem is a bad thing ling term, altought sometime short term it can seem a good idea
sorry about it eing short but i wanna kip, c ya all arround!!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
another day goes by.,......
Its a bit late now but i had to keep all the fans happy and keep a one a day record up (public holidays not included), had dinner with the guys, we eat german shoffhofkig or something, it was german anyway and meat balls and stuff, johannsas was surprised that we saved some for him cos he was rideing, (ok there was realy just the right amount 4 him left) i have started painting the pic you see in the drawing on trhe first post, it will be klinda good, will keep u updated. I was on brunstad with dave and allison and there kids who are just the coolest kids, anyway i have a new surrply of tea(thanks bobby), every one is away this week so i am writing here but i do not have anything to say so i will keep on saying nothing fast. I just gotta shout out 4 pete sav cos he fixed the fence t'day. oh well u can here i was listerning 2 radio 2'day cos i'm saying shout out. oh well i was mostly listening to chris moyles. i just watched film donnie brosso, good film, watch it, just there is one point u might want cover your eyes but i won't spoil it 4 u by tell'n u all 'bout it now. i need to talk t2 hidy and see if i can borrow the sowing machine, i got a stunning troser prodject on the go it will be so kool, i will set up a picture post of all the comfort troseres in a bit!!!, now i am ding a total update to my 3rd pair of tham and whein it is done i will show you all!! hi to everyone i did not c at easter, i will be poping back to england in a few weeks so that will be nice. sorry if i am realy jsut ramberling but that is what i am aloune to do in my blog so there u go, i should realy have writen something proper but why not just write drivell once in a while , i am off to get the coffie.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Rules from the cave blogger
I just want to make a few things clear, just as i am beggingin the blog. The rules are for the people who read the blog, not for me as i am witeing the rules 4 u.
1 if you read an artical you have read it one more time than i have
3 There are no mistakes on the blog, it is just you misreading!!!! (sorry to say there are a lot of BAD readers out there)
2 if you look at the blog you must write a comment (i need to keep trak of the demand for new content)
4 I write new things every day!!!!! (if like over the last few days it does not change it is because i have been doing so much reasurch that i have not been able to update it, but it does not mean you get bigger articals)
5 all problems with the blogs should be reported to, not my email adress!!!!!!!!! This is very importent as i am not able to recive negitive email on my normal account.
6 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 If any of my boses see this i was NOT doing it in work time, i was out makeing a cup of tea
there are just a few more things to comment on, thanks stef 4 the idea!!! Bobby is the current suplier of PG tips (tea of the hightest quality), which is being put to good use in cavemans tea pot!!!! thanks 2 all the people who are following along on the blog, without you this would end up being a depressing diary of a lone man living in a cave, but via the internet suddenly it becomes a site of polical influence which can help govenments make there decitions.
Just so u know i have been away a few days so i am sorrie to say it has not quite been updated every day, but sometimes reasurch must come first!!!!!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Dinner in the cave
The eating habbits of cavemen are fairly random, he eats in the kitchen upstairs. I only buy real food, no pitza (i always eat that at johannas and rolfs place, it is the only thing they eat), no bread (i eat bread at lunch cos it on on the compainy, but i surply the marmite!!!!) other than that it is all GOOD food, potato's, rice, meat, eggs, often sause. Lets face it most meals have something fried in it cos thats what is easyist. this morning for breakfast i had fride potato and frid spam with chease and musterd (this is no rubbish noski musterd, the original colmans is the only musterd u c on my table). oh on the subgect of food i must say bodil is my hero, she makes the best food arround, (u gotta getta place where u can have us arround again) her pitza is famous for being the best in the world and i hope soon to be able to tell u that first hand soon. The other importent aspect of my eating habits is egon!!!!! Ok i dont go as oten as bodil and eav helen but it still rocks above all other things (apart from bodils pitza!!!!). Oh når skall egg forteller min hemlig opskrift till brun lapskause, du tregger, et kanne mid brun lapskause, et kanne picnic (eller tilsavener kjøtt). 5 kjøtt kaker, gullrøtter og lok. first steke du ale køtt og grønsarker, også sette på grute mid lapskaus. når køtte er ferdig set det inn i lapskausen, og legge in mass colmans snepp (cos it is well ggod) og da ha du et ontlig midarg caveman stile. alright i do also love bakes potatos wit beans and cheese, owch, and then add some meat!!!!!!! it mkes me hungery just thinking about it. the most importent think about living in some forign land full of escimos is to make sure u drint good english tea, i am currently running low, but bobby is working on fixing that, i get my suplys from him 2morrrow or saterday as he has just bin to england, i have no hesitaloin in saying that was a hiroc act to save the cave man in such a was. The importing of tea buissnes has doubles in scandinavia since i have moved here and began spreading the gospil. I knew i had to take drasic action when on arrive i tryed to find a tea pot, i found a perfect te post only to be HORRIFIDE by the fact it was lables a coffie pot. Of all the insults to a tea pot what could be worse. i had to by it and confort it by never letting it neer any coffie EVER. Anyway i am on brunstad over easter so pop in at my place (EE3) and you can have a cuppa!!!!!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
the caveman moves in
This is the blog from the cave. I (caveman) has just moved into a new cave. it is fully equipped with photo wall, drawing corner and the king of chairs. Now there is no stopping the production line of drawings, knitting and the all time best trousers, no fear I will not be going far 4 a long time. I hope soon to make a wall of trousers to go with my photo wall but this will come l8er. I will post the pics of the room as soon as i get a camera there. All are welcome to the cave deeep under kråkstad where the sun light never shines, and there is always hear the flow of data. just so u all know the prodgects that are on the top of the list at the mom are, find money 4 tonite (i wanna go to egon with the crew), knit 2 scarfs 4 bobbies friends (this is a must as he is getting me tea from england) torstine har accurat sact at jeg ma skriver nosk sa youre jeg det littt igran, fordig jeg er kjempe filnk. neste pa listen er or gjore firdig mine boxer, de er hal vei genom et opdatereing, det bli veldig spennener og ser va som kjer. Now comes the latest drawing, it will rock, you can see it in progress, will keep u all up 2 date on all the importent things, i will go and make dinner now, u can find out about my food habbets 2morrow. unshil at jeg gikk tilbake till englsk det var ikker meningen men det kjed.det er ikke mine bigrave
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