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home sweet home!!!!
Hi, as i am going home 2morrow morning i thought i would show you where my house is in england, and a bit about it. I have maked our land with the blue, we live on a cul-de-sac. behind us is the old peoples home!! behin that is the church (light blue) its bell are like 1200 years old (they have been recast) and the church is 1000-800 year old about(that to impress any americans and norwegens, beside us is also a grveyard, farm etc. the red is ny studio, it was garage but an iligal conversion has turd it into my studio, this is where i had art club. i WILL TAKE SOME PICS WHEN I AM THERE OF SOME SUFF ON THE WALL W
HICH IS REAly cool.(sorry about the capitals i did not mean 2) i also have put oon the map the hole i dug when i was about 13, it was 10 ft deep and had a roof, it wernt so easy for little me to get in and out and there was always wter in the bottom, but it was gerate fun and i have since got the name CAVEMAN, so old habits die hard. the fire place was always well ferquented by me, one school holdady i had a fire EVERY morning for about a week!! i had to stop when mum got complants from the old peoples home about the smoke(i could not understad the problem). oh well i am not much better now i was always burning stuff in finnland back in november and december!! well i gotta go and pack!! but i gotta say ta 2 sarah fro the trip home, she is the biggest ledgend ever. she even makes be cake and stuff!!! and all the best to john, hang in there!!!!! oh i put a pic of where sharh lives on brunstad (norway), my favorite place in the world!!!( the pic was taken while our place was being built!! oh and thanks for a gerat time 2nite nordi crew. hi mettte and eva helen, hope du komme hejm i et stukke og hadde det ritig got, glede mig til og c dere egen!!!
Hurra! Jeg har vært i det huset! Hurra! I garasjen og.
takk tosrstine, i am now it torp airport, an have a minute so i thoght i would write to keep the world updated, my sister will be here in a bit woohoo!! the greatness of britain here i come!!!
oh an i jsut wanna say have you evrer gone arround a graveyard looking at the graves, its fasinating. teh war graves are very special as many died very young, there are a log of piolets in our grave yard cos of the old airfield. some of the war graves are to people as young as 17!!! there are young people from canada and australia there to!!!
can i come with you? have a cup of tea, make a fire, and take a late nights walk at the graveyard?
shall we say tomorrow? And when are u coming to my place? I holding every weekend off just in case you might pop up and drop in or what you say..
home!!! tea, bluebery mufinns... mmmmm
Looks like you were realy homesick! Good for you to be back in England:) Greet John and Evnike if you can remember.
okay, my ultimate favorite graveyard is the one outside of brunstad, hang a right through the pineforest, go throught the raspberry meadow, over the lane by the bee hives and hop the gate...make sure you don't leave it open, because the sheep graze there. anyhow, its viking graves with great oak trees growing out of them, and i used to fall asleep on them on starry nights, in the hopes that ancient and restless vikings would drag me down into the underworld. sadly, it never transpired. and I like the canadian war graves in holland, 5000 crosses in a field, as far as the eye can see, standing in rows like regiments, and not one over 25 years old. But local graveyards in any neighbor hood is fun, because you can read history on the gravestones.
this is my village blog, it is full of gossip and goings on in the village, lots of old ladys compaine and mone, hehe
Aw, thanks Mark! I came home in one piece and more than that. Had a great time! US rocks. :) Have a good time at home (if you're not back already.. im not very much up to date about things anymore).
See ya! :)
Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.
- Daniel
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