Friday, April 21, 2006

fight ‘blue-sky thinking’

clouds are unjustly maligned and life would be immeasurably poorer without them.

they are Nature’s poetry, and the most egalitarian of her displays, since everyone can have a fantastic view of them.

I pledge to fight ‘blue-sky thinking’ wherever I find it. Life would be dull if I had to look up at cloudless monotony day after day.

I seek to remind people that clouds are expressions of the atmosphere’s moods, and can be read like those of a person’s countenance.

Clouds are so commonplace that their beauty is often overlooked. They are for dreamers and their contemplation benefits the soul. Indeed, all who consider the shapes they see in them will save on psychoanalysis bills.

'Look up, marvel at the ephemeral beauty, and live life with your head in the clouds!'
[The Stranger, Charles Baudelaire]

oh well thats not all my writing but y not put it in, it is kinda cool if u ask me, i tend to apreciate clouds and rain and stuff an all as i am english, spring in norway u jsut get the best clouds cos u have lots of blue sky with high dark clouds here and there raining down, it looks real dramatic!! It is SO much better than some boring blue sky.


Anonymous said...

if you like clouds, whyy do you not live on the praries??? Its like Mecca, but for cloud lovers, with nary a tree or bump in the landscape to mar your view. In fact, its honestly so flat, that if you lie down in the grass and look up, ALL you see is sky. hundreds of square miles wirth of it. And spectacular sunsets. Seriously, you're missing some great stuff. Come on down

Mark said...

i should so live there, oh and the cows we love em, i could so be a stunning farmer, killer. Plus a classic crew in winnipeg!!! good work on u'r websit julz!!!

Anonymous said...

I prefer to look down at the clouds from above...