Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Rules from the cave blogger

I just want to make a few things clear, just as i am beggingin the blog. The rules are for the people who read the blog, not for me as i am witeing the rules 4 u.

1 if you read an artical you have read it one more time than i have
3 There are no mistakes on the blog, it is just you misreading!!!! (sorry to say there are a lot of BAD readers out there)
2 if you look at the blog you must write a comment (i need to keep trak of the demand for new content)
4 I write new things every day!!!!! (if like over the last few days it does not change it is because i have been doing so much reasurch that i have not been able to update it, but it does not mean you get bigger articals)
5 all problems with the blogs should be reported to problems@thevoid.org, not my email adress!!!!!!!!! This is very importent as i am not able to recive negitive email on my normal account.
6 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 If any of my boses see this i was NOT doing it in work time, i was out makeing a cup of tea

there are just a few more things to comment on, thanks stef 4 the idea!!! Bobby is the current suplier of PG tips (tea of the hightest quality), which is being put to good use in cavemans tea pot!!!! thanks 2 all the people who are following along on the blog, without you this would end up being a depressing diary of a lone man living in a cave, but via the internet suddenly it becomes a site of polical influence which can help govenments make there decitions.

Just so u know i have been away a few days so i am sorrie to say it has not quite been updated every day, but sometimes reasurch must come first!!!!!


colorwhale.com said...

Jeg er så hjertens enig. Og takktemlig. Og alt. :) I look forward to taste the PG tea. So exited. Yep.

Kjetil said...

I did not read this article. And i do not comment on it either.

I'm funny.

Anonymous said...

i came i saw i comment

Skribenten said...

I read this and felt guilty so I just had to comment.
Jeg føler meg lovisk.

Anonymous said...

methinks meneeds new glasses..

Anonymous said...

congratulations. you did a great job of advertising your blog on julias website. now people who u don't even know, such as myself, have managed to find ourselves on your site, in hopes of using up as much time as possible avoiding homework (and feeling guilty on exam day).

Anonymous said...

My pleasure.